作品名稱 | Corona Beer
比賽名稱 | 2017德國紅點傳達設計獎 / 2017 reddot communication awards
主辦單位 | Red Dot Award
Corona是墨西哥啤酒品牌,包裝設計透過六種不同墨西哥原住民形象(如: 戰士、獵人等)在瓶子的標籤呈現,色彩鮮豔的瓶子使用了瑪雅人棲息地相關的叢林圖案呈現。
Corona is a Mexican beer brand. The packaging design of the six-pack refers to this origin on the labels of the bottles by displaying Mexican aborigines. Six different characters are portrayed: noble, priest, woman, warrior, hunter and slave. The brightly coloured bottle box displays a jungle motif which is associated with the habitat of the Maya. The overall design encourages the user to take action. In a figurative sense, six different characters can be played and hidden in the jungle.