2022年12月14日 星期三

好奇心殺死一隻貓:令人好奇的超現實影像反映在腦島頻譜變化!Curiosity Killed the Cat: Curious Surreal Images Reflected in Spectral Changes in the Insula.

王韋堯教授指導博士生劉怡寧,發表跨領域的實驗論文 Temporal and electroencephalography dynamics of surreal marketing 獲刊登於學術綜合領域(Multidisciplinary)排行世界級Q2期刊:《神經科學前沿,Frontiers in Neuroscience》。Frontiers in Neuroscience 期刊在2021 年全世界神經科學領域排行前32%,impact factor 5.512,是世界上被引用最多的神經科學期刊之一,在收錄的 10,000 篇文章中獲得了超過182,000 次引用。

The professor Regina W.Y. Wang supervised a doctoral student who published an interdisciplinary experimental article “Temporal and electroencephalography dynamics of surreal marketing” in the Multidisciplinary world-class Q2 journal Frontiers. The journal ranked in the top 32% of all neuroscience journals worldwide in 2021, with an impact factor of 5.512, and is one of the most cited neuroscience journals in the world, with over 182,000 citations across its collection of 10,000 articles.

2023年度泰晤士高等教育世界大學排名(Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023)第一名與第三名之大學(Oxford、Cambridge與Stanford)發表於此期刊,近年發表篇數如下。

The universities ranked first and third(Oxford、Cambridge and Stanford)in the 2023 Times Higher Education World University Rankings have published a number of articles in this journal in recent years, as outlined below.

備註: University of Cambridge與Stanford University在2023年度泰晤士高等教育世界大學排名並列第3名。

Note: University of Cambridge and Stanford University were tied for third place in the 2023 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

王韋堯教授,設計指導實驗室博士生 劉怡寧 (I-Ning Liu) "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow"超現實影像設計榮獲法國PX3攝影大賽榮譽賞


Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 超現實影像設計


This series of images shows a metaphor where in the days look almost the same, but with subtle changes. The three cats illustrated on the images represent yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and they convey a message: time goes by as silently as a cat. Presented in a surreal and collage setting, this work arranges the visuals in exaggerated size contrast, thereby expecting to create an ambiguous tension for the viewers.

2022年8月22日 星期一

王韋堯教授,設計指導臺灣科大商設研究所學生 谷佩慈
(Pei-Tzu Ku) "Indian spices 印度香料"包裝設計作品榮獲2022紅點品牌與傳達設計獎

"Indian spices 印度香料"包裝設計

Indian spices packaging design
The design concept comes from the fact that ancient Indians often put items on their heads during labor. The outer packaging presents Indian women with items on their heads, while the inner packaging bags of various spices. The outer and inner layer staggers, forming a lively bazaar.

王韋堯教授,設計指導臺灣科大商設研究所學生 陳宇薇
(Yu-Wei Chen) "Herbal Bath Soap 藥草沐浴皂"包裝設計作品榮獲2022紅點品牌與傳達設計獎


"Herbal Bath Soap 藥草沐浴皂"包裝設計


Herbal medicines are often used as an object to expel the evil in Taiwanese tradition. They also symbolize cleansing and removing the filth. The door gods are the guardians of the folklore. They are worshiped to keep people safe and repel the evil. This design combines the connotation of expelling the evil of both herbal medicine and door gods. It showcases graphics of closeup of the door gods’ facial expression and use the 3-dimensional packaging structure to extend headdress diagonally. The design also uses high-saturation colors enhance novel visual effects.